Other support available in the community

Find out what support is available if you’re being bullied:

  • National Bullying Helpline for practical support to anyone who is experiencing bullying.
  • Bullying UK part of Family Lives, provide information and advice on bullying, and offer a confidential helpline.
  • Bullies Out provide information on bullying, and offer help and support through their trained online mentors.
  • Young Minds have written some articles on bullying on their blog.
  • Stand Against Racism & Inequality (SARI) offer a free and confidential casework service for victims of hate crime and incidents for anyone who faces or witnesses hate crime or incidents.
  • The Switchboard LGTB Helpline, open 10:00–22:00, is a LGBT helpline for whatever you want to talk about.


Further support

View other areas of support.


There are two ways you can tell us what happened