If you're worried about someone's immediate safety then you need to call 999.  

If you’re worried about the risk of abuse to someone who is not a child or vulnerable adult, you can still get support. Other welfare concerns you may encounter could include someone:

  • in an abusive relationship
  • putting themselves at risk through reckless and unsafe drink and drug taking
  • struggling with their mental health
  • neglecting their health or self-harming.

Alternatively, you may know of things that could present a wider risk to others, such as local or internet scams, bad batches of drugs or criminal activity.

What to do

If you think that someone is at risk of harm, or you have knowledge of anything that presents a risk to someone, call the UWE Bristol Serious Concerns line on +44 (0)117 32 84000.

While we cannot absolutely guarantee confidentiality (depending on the risks involved), we would strive to protect your privacy as far as possible and are committed to non-judgemental listening.

View more information on Safeguarding at UWE Bristol.


There are two ways you can tell us what happened