The Prevent strategy is about safeguarding people and communities from the threat of terrorism. Prevent’s aim is to safeguard people who are at risk of becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism. It’s not about criminalising people – it’s about preventing tragedies through early intervention and support.

Radicalisation is the process by which people come to support terrorism and violent extremism and, in some cases, take part in terrorist groups and activities. Any extremist ideology; political or religious, has the potential to lead to radicalisation. Personal vulnerabilities can make someone more susceptible to extremist messages.

If someone begins to advocate the use of violence to achieve a political, religious or ideological goal, that needs to be addressed. If you’re worried that someone you know may be at risk of being radicalised, please call the UWE Bristol Serious Concerns line on +44 (0)117 32 84000.

In extremely rare circumstances there may be a need for an emergency response. If you have information that a violent act is imminent or where weapons or other harmful materials may be in someone’s possession without legitimate reason, call 999 without delay. 

Speakers at the University

UWE Bristol is committed to protecting free speech and academic freedom and Freedom of Expression as defined by the European Convention of Human Rights. However, if you have concerns that speakers at the University have incited violence or racial hatred, or glorified acts of terrorism, then please call the UWE Bristol Serious Concerns line on +44 (0)117 32 84000.
You can also report through the Report and Support tool if you see material on UWE Bristol premises such as stickers, posters, flyers and/or literature showing extremist logos, insignia or messages. 

More on Prevent

  • ACT Early - Find out more about safeguarding and supporting people who are vulnerable to radicalisation.
  • Read’s information on Prevent duty in higher education.
  • Go to to report seeing:
  • articles, images, speeches or videos that promote terrorism or encourage violence
  • content encouraging people to commit acts of terrorism
  • websites made by terrorist or extremist organisations
  • videos of terrorist attacks.
Prevent-related concerns should not be reported anonymously as no action would be able to be taken.

There are two ways you can tell us what happened